It is our anger and rage towards those who started this war, and those who still support it. It is our tears of helplessness and despair from the realization of Irreversibility of what has happened. It is our fears and an attempt to look at ourselves in the mirror to understand how this could happen to all of us? It is a hope for the Light which one day will incinerate the Untruth and give us hope for Forgiveness.
Reader, the magazine you are holding in your hands is our common anti-military manifest, our voice against the war.
Creative Director, Editor-in-Chief: Maria Azovtseva
Art Director: Konstantin Lobanov
Fashion Director: Denis Kazantsev
Scientific advisors:
Tata Gutmacher, art historian, Byzantine expert, the author of works on icon painting of the late Byzantine period, Berlin, Germany
Denis Danilov, research worker of the museum
“Malyye Korely”, Arkhangelsk Region, Russia
Print Production:
NAVA PRESS SRL Via Breda 98 – 20126 Milano
*The project is a self initiated project published by creative agency BOBO IN PARADISE. Tallinn, Estonia.